Obama Stimulus, Economy Speech: Congress Needs To Act Swiftly, Boldly
"We have to act and act now" in order to break what he called the "momentum of this ... lawmakers to support an economic stimulus package that has as its "No. ... In his weekly radio/YouTube address released this weekend, Obama ... "If we don't act swiftly and boldly, we could see a much deeper economic ... Samsung planning to sell 6 million foldable next year
"We have to act and act now" in order to break what he called the "momentum of this ... lawmakers to support an economic stimulus package that has as its "No. ... In his weekly radio/YouTube address released this weekend, Obama ... "If we don't act swiftly and boldly, we could see a much deeper economic ... 3d2ef5c2b0 Samsung planning to sell 6 million foldable next year
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Obama looks at bold economic stimulus. ... to revive the troubled economy, warning that swift action was needed to prevent a deep slump and a spiral of falling prices. “If we don't act swiftly and boldly, most experts now believe that we ... prepared remarks for the weekly Democratic radio and video address.. A failure to act quickly can only lead to more job losses and more economic pain for Americans. If we act boldly and rapidly, we can begin to create new jobs and ... President Obama has said he wants to have the package approved by ... been no hearings on the massive stimulus package that Congress is .... “If we don't act swiftly and boldly, most experts now believe that we could ... for a $175 billion stimulus measure, but his radio speech suggested he was ... Congressional Democrats have promised to make a broad economic .... Economy. Following is the White House transcript of President Obama's address delivered to a joint session of Congress on February 24, 2009. ... It's the job you thought you'd retire from but now have lost, the business you built your ... Now is the time to act boldly and wisely—to not only revive this economy, but to build a ... MacBook Pro 13 in sconto fino al 22% su Amazon: prezzo da 1187 €!